Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Good Ol' Days

I know I have already posted once today, but it can't be helped. I feel compelled. I've been listening to "old" worship music all day as I've been writing and studying and as a result I'm finding myself frequently overwhelmed with memories from my music past. Music from Sud.z worship to Cru and Greekside, and finally Grace Chapel. Songs like "Shane and Shane - You Said," "Waterdeep - You Are Beautiful," "Ten Shekel Shirt - Unashamed Love," "Starfield - Filled With Your Glory," "Delirious - My Glorious," "Jars of Clay - Faith Like a Child/Worlds Apart" (these remind me of Jesse Davy--that was a while ago, ehh Jess :), speaking of JOC, "the Valley Song," "Kutless - Better is One Day," "S&S - In the Secret," "Downhere - Great are you"... I could go on and on.

Needless to say, I've been steeped in hopeless sentimentalism all day. Each song brings back a flood of fond memories of the hours spent practicing, selecting songs, and "performing" at various events. Many of the people involved who interacted with me so much and have had an impact on my life in differing and meaningful ways... from Raul, the Davys... now including Michel and Crystal, Jay, Jeff Cloud, Dez, Joe Heider, Aaron of course, Kous, Poopy pants McChance (haha), Martha & Ernie, Browny, Parks (I know I'm excluding too many people)... the list goes on. I'm resisting the urge to write, "Thank you for the memories" and seal the deal on this cheesy memorandum. It's crazy to think about now for some reason, though--the feeling of playing on a night when everything goes well and everyone's into. Or the nights when everything goes wrong and your reminded of your fallen humanity, en masse. The outside opportunities to perform (i.e. the unforgettable A-Phi Fiesta). The few but exhilarating opportunities to record. I miss it all. Music, though lately absent, has been and will remain, God willing, an essential in my life. I needed to say this. Thanks.


Tanner Reed said...

You forgot "the Quartet" which showed up every untalented wannabe singer at DCC talent show! In the still of the night...

Remember when you played the piano for Keeper of the Stars for me and Tate at my cousin's wedding? Wow! I don't think you were so overshadowed in music as when I was singing my solo verse ;)

Levi Drake said...

Granted, Tanner. That goes without saying, haha.