Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It Begins...

The time is right. The course of events have come to this. All the pieces have come together. The world is now made ready for exposure to the life and mind of Levi--scary thought I know.

My job...

I work in customer service for the time being--a bank teller--though I hardly consider myself cut out to be a banker. Still, I have been at it for more than a year and I have learned a lot in the process. And, mostly about people. People are ridiculous. Greedy, selfish, self-righteous, money-grubbing, inconsiderate, easily-angered, impatient, etc... and I chief among them. This has not been my first realization of this, of course. But I was realizing the other day, that my expectations for human interactions, in virtually any public circumstance, have been horribly tainted by a pervasive pessimism. I'm doing my darnedest not to become a cynic here on these terms. It has caused me realize how much I don't love people in general. How much that must be God in me. And, how much that that will only come as I learn to genuinely love God... I have a feeling that will take some serious time.


Megan said...

We both enter the blog world! I have a feeling yours will be much more language driven and mine could quite possibly consist of math problems ;)

Heather Lea said...

my dear roommate, congratulations. I hope you're ready to expose yourself to everyone- (blog-style, that is)