Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Long and Short of It

So I realize it's been a while... I apologize. The irregularity of my present life is making the regularity of blog posting an even greater accomplishment--of which I am having little success. So here's the long and short of it...

For the 4th, Court and I traveled to Minneapolis to visit our good friends Tate and Brenna with our other good friends, Jeff and Nicole. It was an amazing weekend, full of canoing and lots of eating. Good times were had by all.

Since then Courtney has been working like a dog and I have been trying to keep up. She was in Rushville, Nebraska for most of the last week teaching at a theatre camp. I've been working here and there, doing construction and landscaping stuff for my uncle who's building a new house in Norfolk. More recently, I have been refinishing decks and doing fix-it projects for a family friend at his cabin in Yankton. It's been great to get some work in the midst of the job hunt (still no leads, ugh) and in anticipation of the wedding.

This weekend has been great. After finishing one project at said cabin in Yankton, I traveled a mere six miles west of there to Courtney's family cabin to help them paint and do some fix-it projects there as well. It was a good opportunity to connect a bit with the future in-laws and earn a few points there, haha. It was nice to work with other people for a change as well. We had our fun too, boating on the lake yesterday and today. (I almost did a barrel roll on the tube... on purpose!) I only just returned from Yankton tonight and I'll be heading to Lincoln on Wednesday to recommence the wedding planning and job-hunt efforts... and to see my fiance for the first time in over a week!!!

Essentially my life as jumping from one place to the next only long enough to get somewhat settled before moving again. For those of you who know me well, this is not my ideal routine. But, God is good.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hey Levi!!

Indeed, I AM in Georgia! I've been here for a little over two weeks now, and am mightily happy. :) I'm going to have to do some investigating on this wedding business. Did you know that, like, 8 million people are getting married in the spread of this fall?... and I so want to go to aaaaaaalllllll of them! I'll keep you posted, but in case I can't make a flight, make sure you send me some mailing info so that I can at least get a gift to you!! Miss you friend - and thanks for dropping a line!! Have a great week!