Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sociably Married

Last night we had friends over, many of whom were married, and I was struck by how much this felt like a new phase in my life. Nevermind that in the last month I have been sharing a bed with someone else, constantly consulting that person to make decisions, and repeatedly encountering situations where I have to say no to someone because my time is better served elsewhere and for said other person. But hanging out with other married couples in our home, discussing things that married couples do--weddings, relating to each other, dealing with marriage difficulties, etc.--that was the impetus for my epiphone.

In my mind my life is fairly easily categorized into the social groups I have been surrounded by: Norfolk and its various subdivisions through gradeschool, junior high, and high school; Lincoln and the groups that seemed to subtly change each year as new people were introduced and old ones moved on; Chicago; and now Lincoln again... Lincoln, married. Now I'm starting to relate to people not as just myself, but myself as half of part of a greater whole... and I LOVE that!

I feel it necessary to mention that there are those people in my social circle have spanned many if not all of these social periods in my life, and for them things have not changed too much yet. The history understood between us is not quickly altered.

Overall, I am struck with the sense that this is good. I am where I am supposed to be. God is good. And, in that space of my mind, I am content.

1 comment:

Josh and Erin said...

yup. I agree. Marriage is something you can not possibly understand before you're there, all the expectations and such leave you no where near the actual experience. The day to day is SO much different! LOVE IT!