Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A much-needed break

It was so good to be home! For the first time since coming to school in Chicago, I did almost no homework on a weekend during a quarter--and it was worth it! I'm paying the price for it now of course. But I needed the break.

Courtney's mother made us a wonderful meal on Valentine's Day evening after Courtney picked me up from the airport. We then started the classic movie, "Gone with the Wind," a four-hour marathon of a film that we had to finish the following morning--good lines, semi-depressing story. Friday, Court had class and I finally got a haircut, moved my things into my aunt and uncle's home, and rested a bit from a busy week. I picked Court up from class and we went out that night for dinner before catching up with Ben and Crystal Davy at Bread and Cup in the Hay Market. We had great time with them. Saturday, it was quick workout in the morning with Jay Taylor and then off to Norfolk for the Winter Royalty festivities of my youngest sister Kalen, a senior this year. She was nominated for Winter Royalty queen--special because 1) she was completely surprised, and 2) I was nominated for the same event my senior year! It was fun to participate in that with my family. We got back late Sat. night and then I was up early again to go to Grace's early service Sunday morning. It was so good to be back. I have really missed the people and the ministry of Grace Chapel. Court and I met friends for coffee and then my old roommate/fellow banterer John for Jimmy Johns at his place. I flew back out of Omaha that evening to get home after ten and then up early Monday morning to start the next week. It was a crazy but encouraging weekend.

Funny how we NEED relationships, we NEED community.

1 comment:

Tanner Reed said...

Thanks for the reminder that you were on Winter Royalty court. That year book just keeps floppin' open! :)
Have fun this weekend with everyone in Chicago...wish I could be there!